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Sophie, whose full name was Sophie Xeon, garnered critical acclaim for an acerbic, brilliant approach to traditional pop. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, the artist released a debut single, “Nothing More to Say” in 2013, then catapulted into mainstream fame via the release of “Bipp.”
Sophie went on to collaborate with industry luminaries such as Charli XCX, Madonna, and Nicki Minaj, and her album "Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides" was nominated for a Grammy in 2019.
While I, like many others, admired Sophie’s artistic derring-do, what I revered even more was how relentlessly courageous and painfully articulate Sophie was with regards to her transgender identity journey. As detailed by The Guardian’s Ben Beaumont-Thomas, Sophie told Paper magazine in a 2018 interview that, “Transness is taking control to bring your body more in line with your soul and spirit so the two aren’t fighting against each other and struggling to survive … It means you’re not a mother or a father – you’re an individual who’s looking at the world and feeling the world.”
Sophie, whose name fittingly means wisdom, leaves behind a complex, insightful musical as well as human legacy, and will be so very missed. 
- Published in an article  from CHRON 
Video stills. all captured from my phone.
90% of the locations where filmed on Glasgow walks.
This was an interesting device to use, showing the city's vast moods, character, & surfacing it's endless variety. The is a city that I'm forever proud to apart off, fully dedicated on making as much work within it's regions.
The aesthetic was a conversion to craft a style to be similar to my anolouge photography.
Then the rest was some archives of Sophie being interviewed.

In loving memory!!!

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